Locks and keys go together; they always have! Man has been using this lock and key combination for thousands of years as working locks have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs and they are mentioned in Sumerian clay tablets. In the modern world, a new technology has made an appearance; keyless entry systems! Now you can open locks with NO keys at all. Keyless entry has become invaluable in both auto and commercial applications not only here in Atlanta, GA but everywhere else in the world where locks are used. Even residential locks have now adapted to keyless technology and homes, condos and time shares now boast keypads, card entry and even badge readers to make life better secured and convenient.
Automotive keyless entry
Usually when some says “keyless entry systems” people think of cars. This amazing technology has been used in the automotive industry for some time and it is almost standard with some brands especially in the higher price brackets. Keyless entry systems can also include keyless remotes so that the operator can now start, unlock, lock and open his car without even being near it. Some buyer prefer to not have it or use it while others can’t live without it so pretty much keyless entry for cars is a matter of preference. Here at Atlanta Fast Locksmith our automotive lock professionals are highly adept at repairing, maintaining, installing and servicing keyless entry no matter what make or model of car, truck or SUV you drive. You are not limited to our expertise as many Atlanta, GA lock shops offer experienced and skilled keyless entry service on a 24-hour basis and at amazingly affordable rates.
Keyless entry at home
Keyless entry for residential use is rapidly gaining popularity with both builders and home buyers. The act if simply entering a number sequence or swiping a card to gain entry is very appealing as no more cumbersome keys are needed. Imagine going for a walk around the neighborhood with your special someone and not having to lug around a noisy and bulky key chain. With no keys to bother with, there are less incidents of lost keys, broken off keys, copied keys and even stolen keys. Keyless entry is both convenient and secure. Don’t worry; no one is going to stand outside your front door and try number sequence after number sequence until they hit the jackpot! Just like auto keyless entry, the system locks up if the right sequence is not used right away. In some cases, security or the police are automatically called.
With residential keyless entry you don’t have to hide that spare key in the flowerpot or under the door mat anymore. You can also program the lock to accept different key codes for every member of your household so that you always know who came and went and at what time.
When you lose an actual key, you are not only inconvenienced, but your home security is compromised. After all, you don’t know who found your key and what they will do with it! Maybe they know where you live and maybe they don’t, but you can never be sure that a dishonest person didn’t see you drop your key ring and follow you home. With keyless entry, you don’t have to worry about lost keys as your key code or number sequence is in your head!
Keyless entry for business
One of the biggest strides in keyless entry advancement is in the business field. More and more Atlanta, GA commercial operations are using keyless entry to enhance security and streamline operations among staff, customers, contractors and vendors. Using key codes, swipe cards, badges and number sequences allows for better tracking of building access as well as smaller, more specialized locals like cash registers, vaults, offices, lockers, mail rooms, storage facilities, warehouses and even service fleets.
You can find keyless entry systems used in hotels, apartment rentals, museums, hospitals, schools, office parks, retail stores, jewelry shops, laundromats, restaurants, medical clinics, condo associations, high rise residences, government offices, banks, retirement homes, home builders, assisted living facilities, convenience stores and hundreds more!
Keyless entry can be used as a form of access control. Number sequences and key cards can be assigned to key employees and authorized staff members and fraud or misuse can be cut down and almost eliminated by adding CCTV cameras to verify identification so that users are not swapping cards or codes for fraudulent use.
More benefits
If keys are lost, broken or worn, new ones need to be made. With keyless entry, you can simply re-assign the code or change it to fit your needs. Instead of cumbersome key chains to mess with, your “keys” can instead be a thin plastic card or simply a series of letters or numbers.
Advanced forms of Atlanta, GA keyless entry can even include biometric entry systems that work off of fingerprint lock technology. Retina scanners for more high-tech and specialized use are also extensively used in some local applications. As technology advances, expect more and more uses for keyless entry as well as additional forms of it.
Find out more
Can keyless entry add enhanced security and benefits to your life? It just might! Atlanta Fast Locksmith encourages you to find out more. You are always welcome to phone our shop and speak to our full service locksmith staff. They are helpful, knowledgeable and well versed in all of the latest keyless entry methods and technologies. Other local lock and key shops offer keyless entry services, too. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to get additional details on keyless entry for your Atlanta home, auto or business. Many local locksmiths offer free consultations, free price quotes and professional services that can include all forms of keyless entry available to date.
Keyless remotes and keyless entry are established and emerging technologies that offer enhanced convenience and security for your work, driving and living conditions.